Many of these things are so heavy that you regularly see several men pushing a single bicycle up one of the steep hills.
Here are some things our friends have asked that we hope to answer in the months ahead. Strangely enough, most of them have to do with bathrooms. (Okay, so I’ve taken a little liberty with the quotes, but my memory ain’t perfect.)
What if you are sleeping in a mosquito net and you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Don’t the mosquitoes get you? (Jim Ferguson)
What if you have to go to the bathroom and you are in a tent and there are rhinos and things like that outside between you and the bathroom? (Carole Carmichael)
What kind of bathrooms do they have? Is it just a hole in the ground? (Jan Kloeck)
Don’t they eat people over there? (Fred Birchman)
Are you going to live in a hut? (Lots of people)
Didn’t they have any assignments in Italy? (Theresa Morrow)
Don’t you know you have responsibilities – you can’t just go running off? (Adam Morrow)
What? No olive oil? (Robin Updike)
How big are the cockroaches? (Sally Soest)
Whatever did happen to Idi Amin? (Terry Tazioli)
Fearmongers and others
Africa. That’s one place I’ve never wanted to go. (Scott Comfort)
You think you’re coming back? It’s a dangerous place. (Lloyd Frink)
I’ll bet you’re scared shitless. (Brenda Bell)
I have a friend who just came back from Africa. He is all full of rashes and sick and he looks awful. (Laura Vecsey’s mother)
Google “Uganda” and “violence” and you can see why you shouldn’t go. (Sarah Morrow)
Let us know when the ebola virus/bird flu is coming our way. (Fred Birchman)
Did you go to see the Last King of Scotland? Maybe you shouldn’t. (Jim Simon)
I’m scared of Africa. (Fred Moody)
I saw on TV last night that there is a kind of spider that is big enough to eat birds … (Anonymous)
If I want to see a giraffe (which I do not) I’ll drive over to Woodland Park Zoo. (Michael Nelson)
I’m jealous of you. (Larry Duthie)
I'll be there as soon as I can. (Eric Morrow)