A visitor's post has been requested, since by now Bill and Theresa blend in and go about daily life as if they were Ugandan. (You might call them uh-oh Oreos because they are Mzungu on the outside and Ugandan inside, especially with Theresa's clothes and Bill's brave driving). They have kept me busy seeing and doing as much as possible in my short stay.
My cousin Eric sent me off to pave the way for us to save the world and this developing nation, but I must admit I ran out of time and barely made a dent. Now I leave it in his more capable hands.
It is a BIG job to affect change in the world and I note all of the BIG things for him to prepare for:
Town and street names, fruit, traffic jams, garbage piles, flowers and trees, termite mounds, women's rear-ends, distances between one place and another, long-drops (well, these have a small hole, but great depth), women's traditional dresses, potholes, speed bumps, people's hearts and faith, the amount of respect for authority, huge animals, the breadth of poverty, the amount of children, money amounts (1,000 shillings is nothing), vans for taxis crammed with passengers, and wide smiles.
The only things that are smaller than we are used to are the spaces between cars on the road, the ants, mosquitos, and Bill and Theresa. For those of you who are worried, they look very healthy and are beautiful despite the red dust on their shoes. I am grateful for their hospitality and to have an inside glimpse into a piece of life in Uganda.