There is a little restaurant down by the pool and we can get a dinner delivered from there to our flat - I usually get the tilapia (a fish they get from Lake Victoria that is relatively tasteless, but usually pretty fresh) for 4,500 shillings (about $3).
We have cable TV, but that means BBC and CNN and mainly soccer. For entertainment we walk to one of the nearby cafes for a drink - there is one up the dirt road in a big garden just dripping with avocados - or try to go hear music. So far, we've failed - African bands that are supposed to be playing haven't materialized. I don't know how people here know when things happen - they just do. Even the plays - and there are some that sound good - are reviewed, but don't say when they start. We'll get to them eventually. We still have to figure that out.
So that's where we live!
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